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What is good skincare?

Bra hudvård, vad är det?

A comprehensive guide to what constitutes good skincare

When it comes to good skincare, it's easy to get caught up in the jungle of products and treatments offered by the modern skincare industry. It's an industry worth billions, constantly pumping out new 'miracle products' with promises of youthful skin and unrivaled beauty. But are these really the solution for healthy skin, or are there more natural and basic methods that work better?

Criticism of the modern skincare industry

The modern and conventional skincare industry is often problematic for several reasons. First, many commercial skincare products contain synthetic ingredients and chemicals that can be harmful to the skin and body. Parabens, sulfates, and artificial fragrances are just a few examples of ingredients that can cause irritation, allergic reactions, and even long-term skin problems.

In addition, many of these products focus on short-term solutions rather than promoting long-term skin health. By using harsh synthetics to quickly improve the appearance of the skin, they can actually damage the skin's natural barrier and microbiome, which can lead to further problems such as dryness, redness and inflammatory skin conditions.

A hunter-gatherer life: The world's best skincare routine

To really understand what good skincare is, we can look at how our ancestors, hunter-gatherers, lived. Their skincare routine was simple and natural, as they constantly encountered nature without access to modern products. They used natural substances such as plants, mud and water to cleanse and protect their skin. Their lifestyle was free from the chemicals and pollutants we are exposed to today, and their skin had to adapt to and be protected by natural elements.

In this perspective, it can be argued that our evolutionary heritage has built our skin to function optimally with natural ingredients and methods. Our skin is not designed to handle an excessive amount of synthetics, but it is built to function in harmony with nature.

Skincare products with skin-derived ingredients: The world's second best skincare routine

If we can't live as hunter-gatherers, what is the next best option? The answer lies in using skincare products that contain skin-derived ingredients and support the skin's natural functions. These products are designed to work with, rather than against, the skin's natural processes.

Jojoba oil is a great ingredient because it is similar to the skin's natural sebum. This allows it to moisturize without clogging pores or causing overproduction of oil. Jojoba oil is particularly good for balancing oily skin and treating acne.

CBD (cannabidiol) and CBG (cannabigerol ) are two other powerful ingredients. These compounds support the skin's endocannabinoid system, which plays an important role in regulating the skin's immune system and sebum balance. CBD and CBG have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help soothe irritation, reduce redness, and improve overall skin health.

Squalene is another important component. It is a natural moisturizer found in our skin and helps to retain moisture and protect the skin barrier. Squalene is particularly useful for combating dryness and promoting soft, supple skin.

The best skincare is not about the latest trendy products or the most expensive creams. It's about understanding and respecting the skin's natural functions and using ingredients that support those functions. The modern skincare industry can be alluring with its promises of quick fixes, but real skin health is achieved by returning to the basic and natural practices that our skin is designed for.

By living closer to nature, as our ancestors did, or by using products containing skin-derived substances such as jojoba oil, CBD, CBG and squalene, we can promote healthier, more balanced skin.

These natural methods and ingredients offer a sustainable and effective path to beautiful skin without the potential risks that come with synthetic chemicals and harsh treatments. Let's embrace the natural solutions and give our skin the care it truly deserves.

Learn more about how you can achieve optimal skin health without using skincare - Click here!


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